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Coaching/consulting/mentoring list is private. As a featured keynote speaker, Bill Goss has motivated, educated and inspired audiences around the world including organizations as diverse as the following list: The Walt Disney Company, Century 21 Real Estate, Nissan Motors Corporation, Metlife, Cancer Health Treatment Centers, The British Broadcasting Network (BBC), The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, The American Fighter Aces Association, EDS, Ritz-Carlton Hotels (spoke in Jamaica), The American Auto Glass Association, The Department of Defense, the US Navy's test pilot squadron VX-1, Equifax, The National Association of Community Pharmacists (where he was a featured speaker with Bob Dole), The National Association of Government Comptrollers (twice), American Cancer Society, Prudential, Life Care Centers of America, The United States Chamber of Commerce, The New Jersey Association of Government Accountants, World Headquarters of Stanley Tools, Aventis Pharmaceutical, Scripps Institute La Jolla, American Skandia Marketing Inc., The Young Entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley, Barnes and Noble, The University of Washington, Health Screen America, The Young Onset Parkinson's Association, The American Melanoma Foundation, Metabolic Research Centers, Lincoln Financial Group, and for Ritz-Carlton Hotels, American Airlines, Conseco Travel, Berkshire Life Ins. Co. of America, ValMark Securities, Alliance Life Insurance Company, Modis Information Technologies, ING Bank, LIMRA International, Allstate Insurance Company, ALFAC, Federated Insurance Company, Pacific Life Insurance Company, St. Paul Companies, AXA Client Solutions, Chubb and Son, Marion Carl Educational Foundation (where Bill spoke to 2300 Oregon high school students, teachers, and parents), Women's Center of Jacksonville/Bosom Buddies, John Hancock Life Insurance Company, Southside Businessmen's Club, Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA), CitiCard/CitiGroup, Space Labs, American United Life Insurance, U.S. Oncology, and the commencement address to Saint Leo University.

Bill Goss speaking at the Fred Hutchinson Research Center